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Don't Retire, Refire Podcast

Sep 15, 2019

From being a RAAF navigator with a secure job for life, to completing a law degree, to being director of tax services at a major accounting firm, Shane has known change. In this courageous podcast, Shane shares his own emotional journey and issues with having a "Professional Identity Crisis". He tells us of the feelings of being a the top of your career, then plummeting into the depths of despair and irrelevance. For him it took a frank discussion with his trusted managing partner, then a sabbatical where he came to release he had to embrace his own mortality. This was a pivotal point and allowed him to create a new, more flexible identity, which enabled him to take on new roles in his transition to retirement. A move from "I" to "We", far more team-based rather than me based. He describes his new roles as far more fulfilling than he could have imagined. This is a podcast which most professional would benefit enormously from. Shane openly says that he doesn’t have all the answers, but is very open to having a coffee with anyone who would like to chat about their own "Professional Identity Crisis".